Event Details
April 24 - 26, 2024
Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from Attain Partners during the 2024 SRAI Virtual Research Administration Conference.
Are you attending? Add these informative sessions to your conference agenda—or meet one-on-one with our experts. We’d love to schedule a time to discuss solutions for any current issues your institution may be facing. Contact us today.
Learn more about the event here.

Wednesday, April 24
W104: Establishing your Research Security Program
Wednesday, April 24 | 12p – 1p ET
Institutions receiving $50M or more in federal research funding annually will be required to certify in SAM.gov that they have a research program in place that meets the Research Security Programs Standard Requirement. However, it is advisable for all institutions, especially those accepting federal funding for research, to ensure the requirements for disclosure and management of real or perceived conflicts of interest or commitment are met. This workshop will help institutions understand where to concentrate efforts to meet sponsor requirements and protect valuable intellectual property, how to investigate and respond to potential issues of non-compliance, and to promoting a research environment that still facilitate global partnerships and open intellectual pursuits. A case study of how one research institution established its program will provide a real-world example.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the Research Security Programs Standard Requirements, how they apply to your institution and how these standard intersect with export control laws
- Identify resources your institution can use to guide its implementation
- Susie Sedwick, Senior Consulting Specialist, Attain Partners
Thursday, April 25
T202: Speaking the Same Language – Lessons on Effective Communication with All Stakeholders in Research Administration
Thursday, April 25 | 1:30p – 2:30p ET
We sometimes speak a totally different language than our investigators. Whether you are trying to communicate with a central office, department, division, or investigator, you must tailor your message to the recipient. In this session, we’ll provide our recommendations for best practices and how to navigate communication with all individuals that rely on research administration for success!
Learning Objectives
- Clarify best practices for communications with all research administration stakeholders.
- Identify and implement the tools needed to create department-specific guides and forms.
- Jeff Derr, Specialist Leader, Attain Partners
- Laura Sheehan, Manager of Research Administration, University of California, Los Angeles
- Rady Rogers, Associate Director for Research Administration and Finance, Harvard University
Friday, April 26
F105: Case Studies in Research Misconduct
Friday, April 26 | 12p – 1p ET
The past few years have seen some high-profile researchers both in the US and abroad who have fallen under scrutiny of scientific misconduct over plagiarism, falsification or fabrication. Case studies will be used to illustrate each of these examples of research misconduct and the outcomes of investigations in to these allegations. The session will also touch on the emerging areas of research misconduct arising from the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and conflicts of interest and commitment.
Clinical Trials Research Administration Required: Research Integrity (CTRA-R)
Learning Objectives
- Identify the different types of misconduct
- Gain insights into potential consequences and outcomes of misconduct investigations
- Susie Sedwick, Senior Consulting Specialist, Attain Partners
F106: Extreme Makeover: Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 Edition
Friday, April 26 | 3p – 4p ET
Do not miss this opportunity to learn about the final revisions to the Uniform Guidance 2 CFR! In this comprehensive review, participants will learn about the newest policy updates and how their respective institutions may be impacted.
On-demand session
Gain instant access to Gil’s on-demand session discussing the policy updates: The Final Reveal – Extreme Makeover: Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 Edition.
Learning Objectives
- Learn about the major revisions.
- Learn how the revisions will impact the administration of research grants.
- Learn when the revisions become effective.
- Gil Tran, Senior Specialist Leader, Attain Partners
F306: Managing the Monster – Subrecipient Monitoring
Friday, April 26 | 3p – 4p ET
With the increasing regulations being imposed on subawards to the prime entities, it is now more important than ever to have a robust sub award management system and team in place to ensure compliance and accountability. This session will cover the importance of the roles of the PI (yes, they have a role in this!), the central office, the department as well as the subrecipient to ensure a seamless partnership. The session will discuss the roles in relation to various aspects including, but not limited to, pre-award tasks, negotiations, FFATA reporting, Invoicing, performance monitoring and the new NIH regulations for international subrecipient (Section 15.2 of the NIH Grants Policy Statement).
- Amanda Seymour, Manager, Attain Partners
- John Hedberg, Senior Associate, Attain Partners