Event Details
February 10 - 14, 2025
Don’t miss hearing from Attain Partners during the 2025 SRAI Virtual Research Administration Conference.
Are you attending? Add our sessions to your conference agenda—or connect one-on-one with our experts. We’d love to schedule a time to discuss solutions for any current issues your institution may be facing. Contact us today.

Tuesday, February 11
T101: Extreme Makeover: OMB Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 Edition
Tuesday, February 11 | 12:30p – 1:30p EST
On October 5, 2023, OMB published a proposal for a fundamental rewrite the Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200. The White House announced that “the proposal will materially decrease the burden on recipients of Federal financial assistance, advance equity and job growth across the country, and meaningfully improve the administration of Federal financial assistance.” See links below.
Specifically, OMB states the following reasons for the proposed revisions: “(1) incorporating statutory requirements and administration priorities; (2) reducing agency and recipient burden; (3) clarifying sections that recipients or agencies have interpreted in different ways; and (4) rewriting applicable sections in plain language, improving flow, and addressing inconsistent use of terms.” The comments are due to OMB by December 4, 2023. OMB intends to publish the final revisions by April 2024. Links to the document is shown below.
This session will discuss the general purpose of the Uniform Guidance 2 CFR and dig deep into the following questions:
- What are the major revisions in the proposal?
- How will the revisions impact the administration on your research grants?
- When will the revisions become effective?
Learning Objectives
- Understand all the revisions made in the different sections of Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200.
- Assess the impact of the revisions on the research administration functions at the institution. Evaluate the cost impact for implementation.
- Gil Tran, Senior Specialist Leader, Attain Partners
T201: Subawards From Scratch: Working w/ First Time Subawardees w/ Federal Awards
Tuesday, February 11 | 2p – 3p EST
Sometimes the most effective collaborators to achieve funded research objectives to address important public needs are wary of the administrative burdens associated with federal awards. This session is designed to walk participants through the process of awarding a first-time subrecipient with federal funding, a task that can require a substantial amount of training both to the PTE PI and to the subrecipient team, as well as clear and concise financial monitoring. This session aims to guide participants through this process beginning at proposal preparation all the way through award closeout and final financial reporting. We will cover PTE obligations under Uniform Guidance and review applicable federal regulations and compliance requirements.
At UMass Boston, the subaward team has been working on an innovative and collaborative approach to subaward monitoring, and we are eager to present our best practices and lessons learned to our colleagues.
Learning Objectives
- Provide in-depth training to new subrecipients on federal subaward compliance.
- Identity areas of potential concern when evaluation subaward financial reporting and invoicing and work cohesively with subawardees to mitigate problems before they arise.
- Nicole Cohee, Manager, Attain Partners
- Ashley De Pasquale, Financial Research Specialist, UMass Boston